
We can help you to tidy up and clear any drawer, cupboard or room in your house. From the loft to the basement, garage or shed, we can help you get to grips with your belongings.

Everyone deals with things in different ways and we make sure that we work the way you want to work. You can be there with us to work through to achieve order or you can give us instructions to follow and tell us to get on with it.


So for last Christmas I didn't want more stuff I wanted less. The garage and loft were overflowing and I felt overwhelmed with the task and didn't know where to start. Enter Simon who was amazing. He sorted the loft and garage into lovely organised tidy areas with masses of space left over. He took car loads of stuff to charity, recycling and also took some things to ebay for us. I still have to keep going and looking as I can't believe the difference. I would thoroughly recommend his services.Thank you Simon.

— Eileen Pearcey, Surrey